Coca Cola have got a reputation for producing brilliant advertising campaigns - from billboards to television commercials. Below are a couple of my personal favorites. On the right is the ad which uses illustrated characters - characters are a good safe way to gain customers and recognition - and although these are simple and minimal they communicate a fun tone of voice with an open audience.
The example on the right is very clever and eye catching. It is all pulled together with a great layout design. I love the idea behind an operating machine to make a bottle of coke. This is a nice concept - however it would not suite the style or tone of voice or Bacardi.

Dolce & Gabbana always have very sexually based advertisements. The examples above are no exception. In these examples you could argue some of them illustrate rape and abuse ... this is a tone of voice and style me and Andy do not really wish to replicate .. due to Bacardi's breif asking for a 'flirty' tone of voice .. not rape.