An ident has been agreed upon to put into our advertising campaign for Bacardi. I decided to have a look at what previous idents/adverts had been produced for this brand - and my god i was impressed!
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Bottle Design
The actual final bottle design is fundamental for this project. This itself will emphasise the 'flirt' appeal which bacardi are asking for in their brief. The examples given below cover a range of fluent shapes and scales of bottles which we can take inspiration from.
The current Bacardi bottles are have some sort of big, strong feel and look about them. This immediately appeals to the male audience (and possibly a bit to the females). 3rd image in from the top using two colours, black and white. Using typography and image this design has remained simple and cost affective.
Bottle Packaging
Our packaging is going to be mainly based around the rum bottles casing. In the brief it states that Bacardi want the new products etc to 'flirt' with their customers. Me and Andy both agreed there is no harm in a bit of flirting and sexiness.
I chose to use these bottles and packaging as examples due to their curvy unique shapes. What is also nice about these examples are their use of colour, layout and type. It all works - from the names of the brand to the finishing touch's on the packaging their a beautiful piece of design.
When i think about everyday packaging one brand comes to mind straight away - Lynx. Not because of its array of different packages but because of its distinct style and use of layout. Lynx has a very clever way of individually designing each product to have its own style. They does this through colour and imagery - which gave myself and Andy the idea of doing the same style of design for different Bacardi rums and flavours.
Lynx is clever with its designs/. The layouts are fantastic and mainly image based. The type works well in all their pieces. Because of the vivid and vibrant/neon colours Lynx packaging is instantly recognisable. Defiantly something to bear in mind in our design process.
Bacardi Website
On the Bacardi website - Myself and Andy came across a 'how to make you own mojito'
Below i have applied a giff file so you can see the process in a simple form. You can even download this application to you iphone just to impress people out and about. This is something to consider when it comes to drawing out concepts.
Module 3 - Research
Oky. So starting this new collaborative module and finally chosen which of the 20 briefs we wanted to do - its time to research.
We chose the Bacardi brief - we thought this brief would suit our design skills in photography, type, layout, illustration etc.
So we started the week by making design sheets of concepts on packaging, bottle design, flavours, typefaces etc. But we also made notes of what we needed to research:
- Existing bottle designs
- Lynx packaging
- After shave bottles
- Existing alcohol tv idents and posters
- Current advertising campaigns for other alcohol companies
- Bacardi history
- Posters, billboards, bus shelter ads etc.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
DVD - Feature Menu (Inspiration)
DVD/CD whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!
Graphic Designers meet the science geeks from high school. This ... is amazing! not only an original CD packaging, but also make your own music ... check it out.
DVD Menu 3
Last look into dvd feature menu's! And i have found a few very nice examples for inspiration today.
Below - This is a very nice example. The comic book/movie stye imagery and layout works well and is explored by the eye straight away. Even though i love the imagery and layout - im not the biggest fan of the type they have used. Limited colour (grayscale) with yellow - is very affective also.

Below - Simple - one image, a title, a play button and 3 extra options. And it still looks as professional and presentable as many pieces you see with vector graphics and hand drawn illustrations. Another possibility - yes!

Below - Okay ... this feautre menu is a bit weird but works well. Its a lot of colour clashing, however (accidently or on purpose) you can just about make it out. The subject does not relate too much to the typeface they have used. However i am looking at this example based on layout and descriptions they have given in a certain area of each menu.

DVD Menu 2
Another browse on the web for dvd menu's! This time i decided to look more into the computer generated images.
Below - I love this. Purely because it uses a very limited colour pallet. However you can still understand it. Because of the style of my idents - this could be an example i use for inspiration.

Below - Okay - this is very simple. The type obviously made in illustrator and layers produced with it. Even though this is a very simple example - i used it due to how it performs its job in a simple yet affective way.

DVD Menu
So in this post im looking into inspiration for my dvd home page and link pages. I have listed several examples below and will give my thoughts, like and dislikes on each.
Below - Transformers. Brilliant movie with equally brilliant dvd menu's. Firstly this is an example of what i cannot do - as it uses video (a big no, no on our brief) The layout is a good example however. Equally balanced with an array of colour - which works.

Below - Not seen this film, so cant really give a detailed opinion. However with it being a computer generated movie ... im guessing like all others it has a moving title page. Simple links to different page shown using fun and bold type. Imagery/video background compliments it well and has a definite unique style.

Below - again ... like above i have not seen this film so not all together sure how it runs. However it is a very clear and legible title page. Colours work well together with the imagery and the type face is suitable and legible.

Below - This could be someones on title page. Still a good example however as this piece shows the main title page and co-pages ... none of which use the same image. The collage style images make a nice feel. A definate style of its own, which is legible most of the time, however does the imagery take too much of the attention?

Another look at imagery and i found this piece below. Love the style, a lot like my old work and the colour works well. Type looks pretty cool but not legible at a fast pace on an ident.

Below - hahahaha ooooooh, like i wasn't going to put that on here! Pete Doherty as a Rock 'n' Rolla .. brilliant! Who ever did this - hero!

Youtube - Random
Found this during another browse of youtube. And i love it! This is my compition but its brilliant. Using imagery which drops in with the type is great. The imagery is simple but detailed. A few advatages 44 they have over my idents.
1. They dont drop out the swearing
2. Time - they used a minute ... i get 10 seconds.
One last thing ... 44 seconds - the image and dialogue is brilliant - always cracks me up!
Guy Ritchie - Youtube
Browsing through youtube doing my research and found this bad boy. Pretty funny and fairly interesting actually. Worth a quick look anyway.
Rock 'n' Rolla - Opening credits
Check these opening credits out. The style of design and illustration i love and the pace and movement of this sequence is amazing ... definitely an inspiration. Limited colour, limited movie footage and a great soundtrack.
Rock 'n' Rolla - Soundtrack
This track became famous due to this film. The band were even cast in the film (granted for the whole of 2 minutes) however ... goes well with the pace of the ident i am going to produce and represents the film well.
DVD Covers - Rock 'n' Rolla
Another look into the dvd covers, poster art etc which will give me an idea on colour, layout and type faces to use in each ident. Since i have already decided i am going to be using Helvetica Neue for my type in every ident - what i am mainly looking in this research is colour and imagery. As you can see below - the film has a golden/yellow colour which runs smoothly with black and white - no reds to be seen. I will definitely be using yellow and black in this ident.

Below - A very common image to be assosiated with the film. Johnny Quid going mad with two revolvers. I love the images style - not too much detail, however enough to make sense of the image. A lot of white space, and again the black and gold complimenting what is left. So my colour and image style are now decided ... back to the drawing board.

Monday, 1 February 2010
DVD Covers - Revolver
It was time for me to look into my colour pallet for my new ident - Revolver. And straight away it is easy to tell from the dvd cover and advertising posters that i would be using a rough red with black and white.
Keeping along the same style as my other videos i will be using different weights of Helvetica Neue to communicate the tone of voice which will match the dialogue i take direct from the film.

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