So ... in brief we have a choice:
- Packages & Informs
- Packages & Instructs
- Packages & Promotes
- Packages & Persuades- Packages & Informs
- Packages & Instructs
Where to go with this, may I remind you, Im doing skydiving ... so I have too package and promote skydiving - more specifically the adrenalin side of it - nightmare!
Anyway below is some of the packaging techniques i came acorss which I photographed, some of these I will be using as inspiration when I design my packaging ... when!
All images below are taken from ' Packaging, Form and Design '
I put the image above in, because of the beauty of the print, and the packaging is very clever. Looking at the images closely, the package is produced on a white paper/card stock. Although the only use for this package is for confectionary, its still very aesthetically pleasing.
The product above is possibly my favorite design I have found so far. According too the book:
- ' This box made of recycled paper performs dual functions: as in-storedisplay and as packaging. Once carried home it can be re-assembled into a "TV" to create an unusual interior design element. '
This type of packaging is one element of what we are required too do. This serves as great inspiration too me for when i start my design process. Also too consider is how the audience react too the product/packaging, again the design above proves succesful, as explained below:
- ' It also acts as a communication tool in a unique Freitag promotional scheme: upon sending the registration card to Zurich, Freitag sends the buyer back a paper remote control.' AWESOME!

Designed in 2004 these cube houses act as a promotion tool for the company. The bright colours and playful look of the product makes it a win with the audience who naturally want too interact with a product. I love the simplicity of the design, and how through using simple techniques they make a product which you will remember. No type is used on this product - minus that of what is on the packaging which is very minimal.
This design is a paper based package in the food and beverage section. These packages were designed in the years 2000 and 2006. This is a very clever package which is what i wish to achieve, the fact this product serves its main purpose and also achieves another is superb.
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